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Stats Starters

Bayes' Rule Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter introduces Bayes' Rule, or Bayes' Theorem, and how it applies to forensic evidence.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately.

What do we mean by 'Statistics'? Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter helps define the term "statistics" and how it is used.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately. 

Likelihood Ratio Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter introduces learners to the likelihood ratio and its growing application to forensic evidence.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately. 

Classification Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter discusses the concept of classifying objects based on shared qualities or characteristics and how that applies to forensic evidence.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately.

Discrete vs Continuous Probability Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter focuses on the similarities and differences between discrete and continuous probability.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately.

Introduction to R Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter introduces learners to R - a programming language often used to navigate statistics -and its application to forensic evidence.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately.

Conditional Probability Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter focuses on Conditional Probability and its application to forensic evidence.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately.

Probability Stats Starter

This beginner level Stats Starter focuses on Probability and its application to forensic evidence.

This learning opportunity is on-demand and available immediately.